
I have had the privilege of working alongside Dr. Carlberg-Stewart the past five years and she has transformed the way I serve as a leader. Through her leadership and guidance we have fostered a love of reading across our district, and the impact has been profound. The achievement gap in our district is closing and our students are thriving academically because of her intentional leadership! Her passion, unwavering commitment, and ability to foster strong relationships with all stakeholders has been key to our overall success. These strong relationships were established because of her ability to effectively communicate, engage all stakeholders, and truly listen to everyone’s needs. She has worked very closely with our district team, school administrators, and teachers by providing intentional, customized, and meaningful professional learning which had a direct impact on enhancing the overall teaching and learning across our district. Through her “Leadership Learning Series” she has built the overall capacity of our educators and cultivated highly effective leaders across our district. Her purpose-driven leadership has made a significant impact on the overall success of our district!

Shannon-Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Charlene Carlberg-Stewart and Athena Binikos-Brom have been our literacy coaches for the last two academic years. They have had a positive impact on my leadership at Cherokee Elementary. Upon being named as a new principal, I was unfamiliar with the reading curriculum that was utilized by our K-2 classrooms. These two ladies have guided me in the needed school wide areas of weakness, as well as specific interventions to increase student achievement in these areas. Through our data as well as the school culture around reading, it is clearly evident that the impact of Dr. Carlberg-Stewart and Mrs. Binikos-Brom support has been supremely positive. As a result of their guidance, we are growing more successful readers in early foundational grades, which will have an impact on the literacy success of our third-grade students and older. Without their guidance, I feel confident that my leadership capacity would not be at the level it is today, and, as a result, Cherokee Elementary would not be as successful in raising student achievement.

Kim, Principal

Personally, Dr. Carlberg has had a profound impact on my life. She is one of the most thoughtful and reflective leaders I have ever known. In my time working with her, she has pushed me to better my practice and better myself. She is the epitome of a servant leader that empowers those around her to meet their growth potential and accomplish their goals. While she leads and guides with humility, the power of her expertise is not lost on those around her as she passionately pursues what she believes in. To put it simply – Dr. Carlberg makes everyone and everything greater.

Laurie, Leader Teacher & Former Principal